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The VTTA age related handicap system allows riders

More conservative does not mean safe, it means that their value won’t fluctuate as greatly as less conservative investments over a reasonable period of time.It is also important to note that shifting to more conservative asset allocation does not mean to eliminate investments in stocks or even international stocks, but rather to cut back on the amount given to them. Most financial professionals don’t recommend a split greater than 60% bonds / 40% stocks to anyone other than their most skittish clients who are already retired and living off of their investment income.An oft quoted rule of thumb is to subtract your age from 100 and use the resulting number as your allocation to stocks with the remainder going into bonds. For example, a 45 year old would allocate 55 percent (100 45) to stocks and 45 percent to bonds.The most important thing is to stick to your asset allocation strategy during the market ups and downs.

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